Wednesday 20 September 2017

Dir: Duncan Jones
Moon was celebrated by critics but didn't do as well with audiences, I'm afraid that the mainstream audience seem to have missed the point with Moon, even though I didn't feel it was ever misleading in its promotion. A sci-fi space-mission, with absolutely no explosions, space-ship chases or evil bug-eyed aliens didn't seem right to many which is frustrating, as Moon - which isn't about any of those things, it's true - is one of the best pieces of theatre committed to film of all time. It's up there with Solaris for sure, albeit a much simpler subject. It's funny, it never feels like it when watching but Moon is one of the greatest monologues ever written, not necessarily because of the script either, but because of the performance. It's a real shame that a film that tackles fundamental questions like the existence of God, the human soul and highlights the frailty of man, the good and the bad of creation and the flaws of the human race can be simply passed off as simply 'too long and too boring'. In my opinion Moon is the perfect film, brilliantly conceived and realised. Sam Rockwell's performance is awesome and Duncan Jones's direction is outstanding, especially considering it's his debut. He could have easily cashed in on his real identity and I'm glad he didn't, he's a genius in his own right, much like his father. Both he and Rockwell have been unforgivably overlooked for their work here but I think time has put this right somewhat and much like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris, it will be regarded as the classic it really is. Although I would like to put an end to the lazy 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris comparisons, they tackle similar subjects and are all set in space but Moon is its own masterwork, it didn't have to exist in space, the idea is timeless and original. It's more like Silent Running and Outland anyway. It's brilliantly written, beautifully directed (with superb cinematography from Gary Shaw) and it has a sublime soundtrack from my favourite film composer Clint Mansell. Snubbed at all the big award ceremonies, just as some of the greatest films are, Moon is one of the best films in its genre and a film people will still watch 100 years from now.

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