Tuesday 5 January 2016

The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat
Dir: Bill Perez
I couldn't tell you how many times I watched The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat as a child, it was quite a treat at the time to watch both of my favourite Dr. Seuss characters meet for the first time. It's a curious meeting as fans of the author would probably hope for but it's far more emotional than I think many would expect. When it's not making the viewer positively dizzy with its surreal animation, it's making them rather sad and then seconds later, abundantly happy. That's the magic of Dr. Seuss. It's different but every bit as good as the original animations and the new voice actors do rather well at taking the reins from some of the all-time greats. Next time you hear someone say they don't like musicals, point them in this direction and remind them that this is technically a musical. If the psychedelic colours don't hypnotize you, the fantastic music numbers will.

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