Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Dir: Scott Stewart
The Graphic Novel of which the film Priest is adapted from is a mix of genres with an overall familiar story. The film isn't really a faithful adaptation and unfortunately they've decided to go with the idea that more is more and then woefully forgot to include the basics. It's a western, it's Matrix, it's Underworld, it's Dark City..it's like every 'Based on the Graphic novel' film you've ever seen, made by the people who don't read comics but have heard there maybe an opportunity there to exploit. I actually quite like the concept, Cathedral City looks pretty cool and the visuals are impressive. It's just the story that lets the film down. There is no character development, it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and it's quite poorly cast. Very few redeeming features, although the 'Vampires on a Train' idea has legs, someone needs to copy that pronto!

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