Friday 20 February 2015

Dir: Greg StrauseColin Strause
Sometimes I think people would be quite happy to have someone remake Independence Day rather than watch something new. That is the only conclusion I can make as Skyline has been quite unfairly treated in my opinion. I still haven't read one review that actually pin points what is so wrong with it other than it's 'Predictable'. The ending wasn't predictable and with these kinds of movies it can only be a 'We win'/'They win' ending anyway - Skyline actually manages to avoid all the usual cliches. Its influences are very much from the B-movies of the 1950's, there are elements of Body-snatchers, Night of the Flying Saucers and Invaders from Mars. I think it's fair that it was given a cinema release, true it is like a really good Sci-Fi channel film but at the same time it does have a Sci-Fi SFX blockbuster feel about it. The main difference between Skyline and more successful films of the genre like Independence Day, is that it holds an element of realism. You won't find any poor attempts at humour or cheesy one liners here, computer expecrts and nor are there annoying kids in it - and that is a good thing in my book. To give a story like this real impact you need to use relatively unknown actors that you may recognise from something, but can't quite put your finger on it, and make sure they act realistically. There is nothing realistic about these these types of films but in order to enjoy them you have to add realistic human reactions to what is going on, something Hollywood finds very hard to achieve most of the time. This is executed admirably in Skyline - although the brain-dead declare the character development/realistic reactions as being 'Boring', it only highlights that they are too used to the moronic spoon fed regurgitation's that Hollywood regularly churns out. Skyline is an original take on a much loved genre, a genre that Independence Day pretty much killed to be honest - and guess what, it wasn't even very good! SFX are impressive too and I actually loved the ending, it was a bit of a surprise but a very welcome one. I was entertained throughout to be honest but once again, I seem to be in the minority. Skyline is the king of the modern B-Movie and I hope there is a sequel. So stick that up your Strause brothers! 

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