Tuesday 17 February 2015

Wuthering Heights
Dir: Andrea Arnold
Andrea Arnold's adaptation of Bronte's classic Wuthering Heights is unlike most adaptations. It's not dialogue heavy but instead relies on bringing the words to life. It's probably not how many people would picture Bronte's classic, it's probably not the way I pictured it when I first read it but it is probably as close as it could be to what it would have been like. Arnold has literally brought the story to life, warts and all and it is a real unexpected pleasure. A few other directors could take note, an Andrea Arnold Jane Austin would go down a storm and a Thomas Hardy would have people throwing themselves in front of buses - this is how you do a period drama! So refreshing, I suppose I'm not surprised in one way because I love Arnold's films but it's almost like reading a favourite book for a second time and even though you know the story, it feels like the first time you fell in love with it. Brilliant.

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