Monday 7 December 2015

Christmas Mail
Dir: John Murlowski

John Murlowski's Christmas Mail isn't so much a Christmas film but more of a long and tenuous advert for the United States Postal Service. It's never made clear exactly why Santa's daughter, Kristi North (?), has to work in an actual post office in order to answer all letters addressed to Santa's and never is it pointed out that opening other people's mail is in fact illegal. There have been many Christmas films made now whereby either Mrs Santa of Santa's daughter travels to America (usually California) to answer specific letters on Santa's behalf and pretty much all of them involve matchmaking in some way. I believe love has always been beyond Santa's jurisdiction, it's a little too much to ask of the big guy to fair and surely Valentines has got that one covered. Santa needs to keep his ladies in check, they're not particularly good at matchmaking and their movies suck. I've seen bad and pointless CGI before, but seriously, I've never seen simple backgrounds (such as a post office) CGI'ed before. The enjoyment I had while watching this film was around the same as the budget they had to make it. Not much at all.

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