Tuesday 1 December 2015

Four Christmases
Dir: Seth Gordon
As far as I can tell, and putting aside all the vomit gags, stereotypes and woeful attempts at humour, the overall message of Seth Gordon's Four Christmases is that we should all be less selfish at Christmas. Our protagonists; Brad and Kate (played by Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon) learn this from their families, all who are separated. They spend the whole of Christmas day, driving from one parent to another, begrudgingly visiting their collective family as they do. Being complete opposites to one another and coming from opposing groups of stereotypes, the day is long and filled with predictable hi-jinks. They finally learn not to be selfish, thanks to the selfish behavior of their loved ones. The overall Christmas message being that two wrongs do make a right and everyone loves vomit skits. Don't they?
The days seem painfully long in California, I certainly don't fancy spending a Christmas there anymore and I'd much rather watch Santa With Muscles every day for a year instead of watching this garbage ever again. It seems the more times directors team up Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau, the further we all get from the beauty of Swingers.

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