Friday 10 October 2014

Black GodWhite Devil
Dir: Glauber Rocha
It is astonishing to see what Glauber Rocha at such a young age. This is such a mature film for such a young man and a risky one at that in a country like Brazil. Rocha challenges the viewer (Brazilians being his prime target audience) into a way of thinking that probably felt a little unnecessary to many who missed the point and was a bit of a wake up call to the rest. He simple challenges the viewer to think for themselves and to take responsibility for their own actions. Political movements and religion are obvious targets but popular culture is more subtle. The style of filming and the music used are quite classical, the message could be lost if one was not concentrating properly. Second nature and the subconscious are challenged here, will the viewer listen to what is actually being said, will it have the same impact if it is disguised as something as normal and popular as a western. The risks taken are bold and they pay off. This is a classic piece of historical social commentary that is worth seeking out. It is also visually stunning.

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