Tuesday 16 December 2014

El BulliCooking in Progress
Dir: Gereon Wetzel
I'm a sucker for a cookery program and I like going to nice restaurants and I also like good documentaries and clever film making. I was tricked damn it, as this was one of the dullest documentaries I've ever seen. The documentary process is very hands off, it's a point and shoot film but considering they must have spent a whole year with the chiefs I'm surprised that the final edited hour and forty minutes is the best material they could come up with. It is basically watching 4 chiefs from behind talking about oils and mushrooms, not being able to see any of the food and then watching an old man eat. It's only in the end credits that we see the creations they've made which raises the question why didn't they show them creating/making those dishes? I would have liked to have eaten there but if it meant watching this again I'd have to pass. Beyond dull.

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