Wednesday, 4 February 2015

American Juggalo
Dir: Sean Dunne
American Juggalo is a brief insight into the world of Juggalos (and Jullaletts); the collective name for fans of the psychedelic hip-hop group Insane Clown Posse. Every year the group puts on a festival and Juggalo's from all over the world join together as one big 'family'. Sean Dunne simply asks random festival goers what Juggalo's are, what it means to them and why they love it. The results are funny, odd and truly frightening. They mostly seem friendly, mostly, but pretty much every person is up to their eye balls on who knows what. I've never seen so many tiny pupils. It's a weird phenomenon, they don't seem to be causing that much harm (that I know of) so all power to them I guess but they should probably be more careful with those fireworks and someone really should help the poor girl who wasn't able to leave her car from three days due to extremely high levels of paranoia. The only people who could get hurt are the Juggalos themselves but I do wonder if any of them would even notice if they had, indeed, you could probably set the whole crowd on fire and they wouldn't even notice. It would stink to high heaven but you'd still hear a faint 'Whoop Whoop' and enthusiastic cheer. The youth of middle America lets it's hair down, lets off explosives and paints it's face. The perfect short music documentary for those who like to people watch. Whoop Whoop!

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