Monday 13 April 2015

Dir: Ericson Core
Disney's Invincible is a sickly sweet telling of a true story but with all the interesting parts left out. The idea is great, indeed the true story is quite inspirational, even if, like me, you know very little about American Foot-ball or have little interest in it. From what I understand though, the real Vince Papale was quite a character and very much the people's champion but Mark Wahlberg plays the part with very little emotion and next to know passion. The supporting cast are a horrible mix of unconvincing stereotypes who would look more at place in an episode of the Simpsons. The cliches come thick and fast, it is perhaps the only time I would have actually appreciated a bit of fiction in a true story, Ericson Core really does make an inspiring turn of events seem like the most boring thing to have ever happened in the history of mankind. There is no final punch of the air in celebration either, only a slap to the face for not choosing a different film to watch.

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