Wednesday 27 May 2015

Le Mepris (Contempt)
Dir: Jean-Luc Godard
Le Mepris (Contempt) is one of my more favourite of Jean-Luc Godard's films, a director who is very up and very down in my book. There was a real trend of film within a film films around this time, all the greats have tried it but very few seem to pull it off successfully and Godard is in that few. Okay, so the film dips between two peaks, but getting Fritz Lang to play himself was quite a coup and Jack Palance's performance is as brilliant as it is amusing, although I doubt that was intentional. Tongue was firmly in cheek throughout though I'd imagine knowing Godard's sense of humour. I think it was a great experiment and it didn't come at the expense of the entertainment value, in fact, it makes you wonder if Godard might just have been a better, or should I say, could have made much better films if he'd had better budgets!? Anyway, I liked this a lot, It's got Brigitte Badot's bare behind in it for the love of man, what's not to like about that?

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