Thursday 27 February 2014

12 Years A Slave
Dir: Steve McQueen
Solomon Northup's story deserves to be told in all it's uncomfortable glory. Steve McQueen understood this and directed a beautiful and harrowing film accordingly. There are many films about slavery but this is the only one I can think of that really tackles the true horror of what it must have been like for slaves at that time. Many had it worse and some of those stories we will never know, it is only thanks to Solomon's strength and intellect do we have this particular account. It's nice to see a film about slavery that isn't apologetic either. Sure, three white men did help Solomon escape slavery - their help should and is acknowledged but for the best part the white man was indeed nothing short of ignorant and cruel. This isn't just another 'White's helping blacks' schmaltzy melodrama. This upsets many and makes them feel uncomfortable. For that reason alone it should be applauded. The direction and performances are both superb, the production, costumes, script and soundtrack are all nothing short of brilliant. A future classic.

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