Friday 16 May 2014

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus
Dir: Jack Perez
Give Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus a bigger budget and it would still be rubbish. The real problem here is the direction. The acting is pretty bad but this can sometimes be forgivable, it's the fact that the actors are given terrible lines and the camera just lingers for no good reason is why this film is so bad. The CGI might be of the worst quality but the Shark and the Squid both out-acted the cast! It's B-Movie gold but completely unwatchable. The editing makes no sense at all, the weird jumpy lens flares that switched from colour to black and white, and then fast forwarded and rewound during every montage beggar belief! It's a stupidly fun idea but this is a 'The Asylum' film. Cheap, tacky and all about the trailers. Shame really as there are few things of quality here, I liked the idea of mixing two fears (Sharks and Flying - Shark eats Airplane) in particular. Still, on the plus side it answers the question we've all been asking since 1989, 'What ever happened to Debbie Gibson?'.

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