Friday 17 July 2015

Dir: Takeshi Kitano
Takeshis' is a truly original film. It's also a very personal film that I think only Takeshi Kitano can explain himself. It does correct a few misconceptions people have of him, but he's so damn mischievous, you never really know what is real and what fake, who is the real Takeshi? Is it 'Beat' Takeshi or Takeshi Kitano? Hard core fans like myself need not worry though, there is so much of him here, what with all the references to his written work, his playful side and his acting and directing career. The cast is also full of previous collaborators, many who have worked with him throughout his film career. If you are unfamiliar with the work of Takeshi Kitano then avoid this film like the plaque, it will be lost on you. Check out his back catalog first, fall in love with his films, then watch it. The only uncomfortable aspect of this film for me was that it almost feels like a Swan song, thankfully it isn't. Narcissistic all the way but I think he's great, I want more. You can't question it's beauty, especially the last scene on the beach - it always ends on the beach.

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