A Nightmare on Elm Street
Dir: Samuel Bayer
Samuel Bayer's 2010 horror A Nightmare on Elm Street is yet another pointless remake that totally misunderstands what was so good about the original. I'm guessing they thought they were making a better film by removing the comedy elements (which all good 80s horror films possess) and making the gore more realistic and Freddy that little more sinister. Firstly, it's the humour, the over the top effects that make the original franchise popular and as much as I like Jackie Earle Haley, Robert Englund is Freddy Kruger and he's so iconic in the role that you just can't replace him. It's forgettable too, I watched it just before writing this review and I'm struggling to remember how it ended already. Okay, so it has some nice effects but compared to the legendary original it fails in pretty much every way.
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