Tuesday 23 June 2015

Ro.Go.Pa.G. (AKA Let's Have a Brainwash)
Dir: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jean-Luc Godard, Roberto Rossellini, Ugo Gregoretti
RoGoPaG is a collection of 4 short films. Ro is for Roberto Rosselini. His film Illibatezza (Virginity) is the introductory film, a mildly amusing film about obsession, control and lust. It's really nothing special and has dated somewhat. Go is for Jean-Luc Godard. His film Il Nuevo Mondo (New World) is actually a 'first draft' if you will of Alphaville which he made 2 years later and is a million times better, although it is nice to see the progression of ideas and it's still quite good. Pa is for Pier Paolo Pasolini's controversial and notorious, La Ricotta (Curd Cheese) and the main reason I wanted to watch the film. Shocking to think that Pasolini spent 4 months in prison for his efforts, due to Italian governments strict laws on blasphemy. Who says the church don't have a sense of humour! Unfortunately, it packs little punch in this day and age, I can see why it caused offence but I still don't think it's a particularly clever idea. It is beautifully shot though, especially the colour scenes. The last and in my opinion, the best of the three films is actually the one I was bothered about the least. G is for Ugo Gregoretti. His film Il Pollo Ruspante (Free range Chicken) is probably the only film here that is relevant to our current society and modern life. The script is fast and furious, deadpan and quite brilliant. It's worth watching the other 3 mediocre films for, criminally underrated and overlooked. That said, all four films are worth watching, all insightful into modern thinking and the social revolution of 1960's Italy.

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